Canned creamed corn was one of my favorite foods as a kid, and although I still use it from time to time as an ingredient, it's a little too sweet for my grownup taste buds.
Rich and creamy with the umami of two kinds of cheese, I developed this decadent creamed corn as a side that wouldn't feel out of place at a Michelin-starred restaurant topped with shaved white truffles. But, despite my best efforts to make it "adult," my daughter ended up enjoying it as much as the grownups.
The best part is that it doesn't require a heroic effort to make... In fact, it doesn't require much effort at all. Adding starch to the milk thickens the sauce and stabilizes the cheese's proteins, so they don't clump up and separate from the fat. The result is a satiny smooth cheese sauce that comes together in minutes. Of course, the same principle works with pasta, so if you're looking for a quick way to make mac & cheese, give this a try.
By the way, I used Robiola Bosina, but any soft creamy cheese such as Brie or Camembert will work, and you can make it even fancier by adding additional hard cheeses that will melt.
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