Wood ear is a type of mushroom commonly eaten in East Asia, and it gets its unusual name because it looks a bit the trees it grows on have sprouted ears. Here in Japan, it's known as Kukurage (きくらげ), which literally means "wood jellyfish," and I'm guessing it got its Japanese name from the crunchy gelatinous texture reminiscent of jellyfish from the sea.
It doesn't have a ton of flavor, but its unique texture makes it a delicious addition to salads and stir-fries. In this salad, it's tossed with a nutty sesame dressing, along with scallions and cilantro for a flavorful salad that makes for a great side dish to stir-fries like mabo tofu and black pepper beef.
If you can't find fresh wood ear, this also works with other types of mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake, or enoki.
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